Basterrechea – Tejada architects
Castelldefels, Barcelona
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Supporting of pillars at Can Roca Sports Center
The project consists of the removal of 4 pillars on the ground floor of a sports center

THE PROJECT. The project consists of adapting the structural solution of the execution project to the reality found once the works have begun. The object of the study is the elimination of 4 concrete pillars on the ground floor within the Can Roca sports complex phase II renovation project.

THE STRUCTURAL ARTIFICE. In the foundation, the execution of a new footing and the increase of another in each shoring porch are planned. The execution of two new metal frames is planned using HEB type pillars and reinforced C beams in charge of receiving the lowered pillars. The joints of the existing columns with the reinforced beam will be made with prestressed screws.
The order of execution of the phases to be carried out is essential for the correct behavior of the structure and, above all, for the safety of the operators who carry out the work. Therefore, the project lists the order of each of the works and their procedure.