Lille, France
Lille Urban Community

Garden of the Giants
Metallic structures. Giants of the North theme.

Under the new Euralille business district, the site was a large parking lot that had to be buried. To carry out the transition between two very different worlds, landscaping has developed an imaginary fortress around the theme of the giants of the north, founders and protectors of cities. A contemporary and firm interpretation has served to subtly give life to this exceptional culture still alive today: linked heads of giants, out-of-scale chairs, bamboos of enormous sizes, etc.

We have taken care of the engineering and have collaborated with the architecture of the various pavilions (restaurants, greenhouses...) that are spread throughout the place. Remarkably harmonizing the landscape work, the architectural landmarks also refer to the local giants through an almost totemic-looking coating, creating reference points in this park that has little relief. The vegetation will climb over the nets that cover the buildings, delicately participating in the magic of the place.